Adding new ticket

The agent can create a ticket for a customer after determining the issue.

  1. Click on Add new ticket button.

  2. Enter the Subject for the ticket.

  3. In the Customer Email box, enter the customer's email address.

  4. If groups have already been created, choose one from the Groups drop-down menu.

  5. By choosing the agent from the Agents dropdown, you can assign the ticket to that agent.

  6. Fill out the Description box with the ticket's description.

  7. Status and priority will be set by default to New and Medium. Agents have the option to change the values.

  8. From the category drop-down menu, choose the ticket category.

  9. Click on the Save Changes button

A new ticket with the status "New" will be added to the Unresolved view. An email confirmation will be sent to the customer's and the assigned member's email addresses.